Home » Software Escrow Services
Here at LE&AS we provide high quality software escrow solutions to businesses looking to protect their business critical applications and source code. As Software services evolve rapidly and move towards Cloud based services, we offer agreements specifically developed to give SaaS users peace of mind around their software escrow agreements.
LE&AS have a vast amount of experience of working with Software Vendors and Software Users in transferring their escrow services to LE&AS. LE&AS manage all of the administration so that the transfer of services is as seamless as possible.
This agreement is for use where there are three parties involved in the SaaS service – a Software Vendor (Licensor), a Software User (Licensee) and a third party hosting provider. It protects all parties against “blank screen” syndrome and loss of service.
LE&AS have extensive experience of creating balanced and equitable software escrow agreements for software developers, software owners, software providers and their customers. These are designed to protect the investments made by all relevant parties.
A Traditional Source Code agreement is a legally binding agreement between a Software User (Licensee) a Software Vendor (Licensor) and an Escrow Agent (LE&AS). Where the source code of the Software application is held by the Escrow Agent (LE&AS).
t: 0800 456 1115
e: info@leaas.co.uk
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Grove Lane